Friday, 4 December 2015

Google Earth imagery, and a map of Nigeria

1.The map of Edo State, showing the electrical distribution
 2.The map of Nigeria. showing  the States.
  3.The football pitch of FUTA, taking with Google Earth
4.The Football pitch of Uniben. from Google earth.

The word in you..

                                         Chapter one
In life there is always a dot that each activity we do imprint at every point in our life, this dot won’t be visible when we look forward, you only connect these dots by looking backward, and after which you can only trust that the dots could connect your future. Believing the dot would connect along the road will give you something to look back at and that moment will make a difference. Always be prepared that someday, life could hit you with a brick on the head. Don’t loose faith.
You got to find out what you love and when you find out, whatever you find out will fill a great portion in your life, which could lead to great works. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found out what you like to do, keep looking and don’t stop looking until you find it because when you find that thing you like, you will then begin to feel satisfied and fulfilled.
When you live each day as if it is your last even if someday you will certainly be right, then you will realize that there is no point in being scared of embarrassment, or being neglected, or even losing or failing. At this point, what really matters is the connections made by the dot of your life and the fact that there is no reason to be scared of life itself, you will know then that it is your duty to make every moment of your life count, by thinking about the impossible, sketching the world in your thought, and imagining what you can do with all the knowledge in the world , how you were going to use the knowledge to bring about  a better and brighter future because people before you  have thought and acted on theirs. You then come to realize that everything you see in the world now , was made possible by God through people who are not smarter than you.
Always remember that your time is limited, so don’t waste it leaving someone else’s life and don’t be trapped by living the result of other people’s thought.                        Surprisingly, it is time to make your thought count and don’t let the noise of other people’s opinion silent your inner voice and most importantly have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Your heart and intuitions are always right about who you are, what you want, and interestingly what your dream and future encompasses.
One more thing, I live you with these words from Steve Jobs (STAY HUNGRY, STAY FOOLISH).

Chapter  Two’s  Outline
Each an everyone of us in our way engage in a lie, no matter whom or what, we lie for those whom we love, care about, because we are scared lastly to ourselves and this is the part where our heart became so distant from our thought because at this time; our heart feels that it has been betrayed by the person whom we adore the most, subsequently the person then to live in denials and anger with it’s imagination, most time what the person crave for is just a moment to set right with his heart and self
What do you call an instant ahen you love someone so much that you even felt you could sacrifice some aspect of your life because you feel the platform of your dream and future is big enough to contain her imaginations you feels she is the one although you quite too young to ascertain from the distance you stood,so you decide to lift your head  a bit if what you imagine or the sacrifice you were about to make was  worth it, it dawn on you when you found out that she just want you as a legendary friend. You are happy about one thing that you didn’t get to tell her this before you realize the truth,you become so scared that you begin to live in denials as a friend as she wanted, but you know deep inside you don’t to be just a friend to her but something more. F rom this moment you realize something, that is The most important things are the hardest to say! From this moment also you  you fear you don’t what to live a life without her as part of ,thou probably you hope she one day see you as thou you see her “The perfect mate”.
At this point of this man’ s life all what he had is just hopes and wishes for. The man live in his life as a liar to his thought imagination and actions. What I mean is that the lie we tell ourselves is always the greatest but to others what you tell them seem to be the hardest meanwhile when you lie to yourself you end up being the victim.
Life in one way or the other is bond with lie, but whom we lie to tends to be the contention, because there are some truth that is always better left unsaid because the day you mutter any word of truth in regards, it changes everything you could possibly imagine, but life is more than just lies, it requires truth telling  because  at the end  of everything, what seem to fas in life is not the lies you told but the truth  you were bold enough to say to those  who are important to you

The lie we tell our serves
I remember it hurt, just looking at her hurt!
The most important things are the hardest to say!
I could hear my heart beating, I could hear everyone’s heart, I could hear the human noise we sat there making, not one of us moving, not even  in the dark
Chapter Three
It is true we all were not created equal, but it does not justify the fact that somehow, we  are want to do everything although we know we can’t. We feel we have no limitation, I we confess I feel I can do all things, but realistically its just a lie that I used to keep going on, I can’t do all thing neither can you, we can only try new things. With the hope and expectance we will do well. Sincerely one way and another we just hope, that what we do is worth our time and sacrifice at
The world  is comprises of people whom to each an everyone of us has distinct character and purpose. Yea, at first I believe too.  I think this world and the various people in it, are all part of a bigger picture that you and I know nothing about. We fight for lands, women, power and even attention. Most annoying, is that we also fight with ourselves also. Our actions in this earth are all linked together, It is like a thread in a fibre, where every patterns  intended to make depends on the previous  threading. Take an instance, everything about electricity became perfection after a man called Micheal Faraday, made a theory, which he practiced that, in very low pressure and very high voltage light could be formed. After this, year later people built on his Discovery and now light (electricity) has made human kind better.
You see better all worst we are all linked together, our actions, decisions, choices  and duties. The only thing ewe can do is to hope that the connection we  make every day is the right ones. You never know all time does, and that’s why everyone on earth always wish for a second chance. But time is not always generous  enough to offer us. I will encourage you , to reflect on  your actions before you make them because”while we were a baby we were subjected to using Pencil because we could easily erase them, but now life is more cruel and does not give you or me any opportunity to undo any rational deed”

Chapter four
Family and Friends are the greatest possession a man can possess on earth. It is this set of people that we all in one way or the other look up to, our response and action are always in one way or the other cloud by the love or hatred the thought of family brings. Family has a power of connecting to the slightest or stiffest heart during its voyage of peace and happiness, Family brings about realization of hope, faith and Dreams. The type of dream and purpose you don’t what to do without because you feel you are too young  or too dumb to travel alone. Because you are scared of traveling alone, because when you make a voyage without your family in it you end up realizing that you are alone because there is  no  comfort like the satisfaction, hope, dream, smiles, strength and joy  that family brings it is always greater than even a man with all the wealth, because when we go old family and friends would be our greatest
investment, because they are people who you can put all your trust in and hope, people who are always looking at out for you. People you can always be yourself around, Family and friends are always the greatest. A man traveling the earth without Friends and Family always have a reason to look back, although most time the feelings that arose when this person  eventually  found that He has always been  alone, all is life “is disappointment, regrets and that feeling of if I can just have a moment to rewrite my life. At this juncture what this person want is just a moment to tell the world that I am so sorry for being a jerk. Because he suddenly realized that what he missed is unmeasurable and unbreakable it is the greatest strength a man can boost of because. Because at the end what always matter is not how far you mmust have ran or how many people you have  ran pasted. It is always how many people that are with you, that can be with you, that you can always trust and lastly that can say you well to the world.
It hurt looking at the statistics of people who just live their life as, life provide for them. They never for once question life and ask, what am I not doing right.

We always feel that we must  always succeed for us to be happy, but it beat my imagination looking at the statistics of people whom I can call success but one way or the other aren’t happy not because they are cursed (as African always believe). But because, being successful always come with a sacrifice, most time your happiness. ‘HOW’ you may want to read very indebtly.
Here is a story of my life, I am from polygamous family, a total of 28.yea we are quite a population. All through my life I always wanted to be free, happy mostly successful, I tried and got into a lot of things as a result of this feelings of insatisfaction, iwanted attention and friends a lot, I wanted to be happy also because I feel if I have this success of being the best student in my secondary school I would be well known love by many and likewise by all .From, that moment I , I dug so deep to be not just intelligent but smart or a genius , I found knew my life was about to change but what i didn’t know wa s if it was for good or better, I was always seen with my books always 18hours a day 7 days in a week. That was to me my happiest moments in my life because I felt all I wanted was just coming to be, I become so seclude and illusive. All I cared about was just my food and books, calculations, physics, chemistry, I even do solve problem in my sleep atleast that was what I was told in my hostel wjen I work up, every felt I could go crazy I was never scared because I felt being crazy about knowledge could worth it. Everything change when I stood and look back” that was my saddest day in my school” I realized I have become what I was afraid of and that was being alone, I didn’t had any friend other than rivals I was so disappointed and I cried  because no one wanted to be a friend with a guy whom the teacher always make example of, a frame of perfection, they always use this words for my classmate can you think or be like “Dennis”. I my mind I say please don’t be like me. Because I was never put among my mate instead I was always put ahead of them. That feelings of success that I wanted, brought to me discrimination and hatred I never enjoyed what I became
Yep, that is what success brings, only few have been able to manage it, it happens as a reflex action of which if you look back you tend to ask yourself what did I do wrong. being successful at the expense of your life time happiness does not worth it, it never does.

I am nothing without love

   Looking back

Cyber Security!!!!!

What is Cyber Security All About?

In this age of technology and communication convergence, you cannot help but be involved in technologies and innovations that revolve around computers, cellular phones and the World Wide Web. But as we go around our daily lives with these technologies and what not, there are times that we begin to feel really paranoid on our own safety.

May it be our physical safety or the security of our personal hardware and software. What is cyber security all about? It is in fact protecting your personal information or any kind of digital asset stored in your computer or in any digital storage device.

The first thing that you will have to understand is the kinds of threats that you could encounter in cyber space. There are different kinds of threats and each one has their own degrees of seriousness which require their own levels of solutions. The higher level the threat, the more advance or complicated the approach to implement safety measures to protect yourself from such harm.

From simple malicious codes, otherwise called as malware and spywares to serious virus that can erase the whole contents of your computer and hackers that can access and use your personal information for their own personal gain, these are the risks that you will need to address.

Oftentimes, those malicious codes or malware pass through your security system when you access a particular website or even when you open an email. These codes, exploit the loopholes in various applications and insert themselves within the computer system which enable them to replicate and infect other computers by attaching themselves to the emails that you send out or through your local network. These malicious codes are sometimes quite tricky. They claim to do something but instead they will go on a totally different path in infecting your system. These malicious codes are not isolated to malware and spyware but also refer to virus and worms which are deadlier and cause more harm.

Even though those malicious codes are quite harmful, another dangerous intruder would be hackers or attackers. No matter how you look at it, virus and worms can only do what the original programmer has intended it to do. But hackers are people and they can get the information they want and use it for their own benefit. Sometimes hackers are just testing their skills and deliberately invade your system not because they want your info for personal gain but because they are just plain curious or are just doing some mischief.

It is these kinds of things that you need to avoid that is why you have to know about cyber security and know how to handle the various threats. You will need to know how vulnerable your computers are. You have to loon into your firewall and virus protection software to se if your current setup can prevent attacks from the outside.

This is why it is important to continuously update your software since new threats are being created everyday and having an updated system can help protect you from being attacked. Another precautionary measure would be to create passwords. The passwords will serve as a deterrent and help you keep your whole system protected.

With proper protection installed, you can keep your files and information safe. It is very important that you keep in mind cyber security. Cyber security is all about keeping your information safe from those who wish to access them. It is an important aspect of our lives and should never be disregarded most especially in today’s computer age.    From Dennis